“石の旅、山 – The Journey of stones, mountain” solo show

石の旅、山 The journey of stones, mountain

Kyoco Taniyama
石の旅、山  The journey of stones, mountain


solo show at Chrom VI
Opening: 16. October 2021, 19:00
Exhibition: 17. October – 25. November 2021 Please make an appointment


Research-based, site-specific installation – Installation with a sound sculpture, 10″ vinyl record of 6 min sound piece (collaboration with Hans Benda), HD videos and cyanotype photography.


I was inspired by the unique regional history and situation of Idar-Oberstein, Germany, the gem centre of Europe. Idar-Oberstein has a history of working with gemstones going back over 500 years. The first major activities started when miners found amethyst and agate in the area around the small towns of Idar and Oberstein in the late 14th century.


more history of Idar-Oberstein…