Family Portrait
あるご家族から、もう使えないし必要はないけれど捨てられない、思い入れのある「もの」を譲り受けて、そのオブジェクトを石膏で覆い彫刻を作る新しいシリーズ Family Portrait を発表します。
I present a new plaster sculpture series, Family Portrait, made from objects given to me by a family. These objects are no longer useful or necessary, but the family cannot bring themselves to throw them away.
Two people with different identities come together to form a family and create a single family identity. This project is about turning ‘family form’ into sculptures.
The exhibition consists of sculptures, films, and photographs.
The sculptures are fully custom-made, created with the oral history of a family. This work is available to order, so if you are interested, please contact me or the gallery and share your family stories and items. I will be in Tokyo during the exhibition.