
VOID+STOCK exhibition part: 3 – Family Portrait N

VOID+STOCK exhibition part: 3  

Family Portrait N


2024年7月26日(金)-8月24日(土) / From July 26 until August 24, 2024


@void+ Tokyo

東京都港区南青山3-16-14 1F / 3-16-14 1st Floor, MinamiaoyamaMinato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062


Artisrts: 佐藤好彦、谷山恭子、内藤忠行、袴田京太朗、保井智貴
Yoshihiko Sato, Kyoco Taniyama, Tadayuki Naito, Kyotaro Hakamada, Tomotaka Yasui


Opening of the exhibition on Friday, July 26, 6 – 8 pm

オープニング 2024年7月26日(金)18:00-20:00


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Unruly Splendour / Unbändiger Glanz 

Unruly Splendour

Exploring Bodies through the Spectrum of Nature

@Galerie im Körnerpark

Schierker Str. 8, 12051 Berlin, Germany


Artisrts: Andrea Acosta, Anajara Laisa Amarante, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Nika Radić, Marie Salcedo Horn, Kyoco Taniyama, Sophie Utikal, RA Walden 


with Karin Korte, City Councillor for Culture and Introduction with DGS-translation

Curated by Kate Brehme phD and Kirstin Broussard



Monday, June 24, 6 pm

Tour with the curators and the artists Andrea Acosta, Marie Salcedo Horn and Kyoco Taniyama

Wednesday, July 31, 6 pm

Performance by Nika Radić

Saturday, September 21, 2-5 pm

Workshop for families

Wednesday, October 9, 5-8 pm

Finissage with coktails and cak

Media Collage – Forced Rhythm

Media College – Forced Rhythm

Seiji Morimoto, Youngho Lee, Kyoco Taniyama

Opening: Friday 26.Jan. 18:00 – 22:00

Event: Sunday 04.Feb. 14.30 – end of the day

14:30- workshop by Kyoco Taniyama – interacting with her sound sculpture

16:00- sound performance by Seiji Morimoto

Opening hours: Wed.- Sun.: 14:00-19:00

Location: Liebig12 / Liebigstr.12 – 10247 Berlin
* this exhibition is part of Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM 2024 *


Kunst Party

Space: OAG Art Center Kobe  (Hyogo, Japan)
スペースお披露目&小品展示「Kunst Party」
Artists: 稲垣智子、岩名泰岳、植松琢麿、内海昭子、大﨑のぶゆき、大野由美子、国谷隆志、田中秀和、谷山恭子、長嶺慶治郎、林勇気、渡辺えつこ
Date: 2023年11月19日(日)、20日(月)、25日(土)、26日(日)、27日(月)
Time: 12:00-17:00
Address: 〒658-0003 兵庫県神戸市東灘区本山北町6-17-32
– 企画、運営/稲垣智子、小泉智子、後藤哲也、国谷隆志、宮嵜潤二、植松琢麿

Listening to the Soup

Collaboration project with the Tokyo based fashion designer Edwina Hörl.

I designed the T-shirt on the theme of soup. I did the production myself in Berlin. 

Since they are handmade, they may differ slightly, but if you like, you can order one from I make each one carefully.

edwina hörl
Listen to the Soup

spring summer


dates 2023
Opening : 10/21 sat (土) 16:00 – 23:00

19:30 concert 神田智子 Tomoko Kanda (vo & key)

from 20:00 Listen to the Soup: we will serve you soup from はるばるてい


10/22 sun (日) 12:00 – 20:00
10/23 mon (月) 12:00 – 20:00
10/24 tue (火) 19:00 – 21:00
10/25 wed (水) 19:00 – 21:00
10/26 thur (木) 19:00 – 21:00
10/27 fri (金) 19:00 – 21:00
10/28 sat (土) 12:00 – 20:00


place: DSC (wad)
〒156-0052 東京都世田谷区経堂1-41-21-1FA
1-41-21-1FA kyodo setagaya tokyo 156–0052


+81 (0)3-3706-3536

UM Festival 2023 · C O N N E C T

UM Festival 2023 · C O N N E C T

Fergitz · Pinnow | Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany
9. und 10. September 2023


Annika Hippler, Brad Nath, Collective Mö, Andreas Greiner, Kyoco Taniyama

Zeynep Ayse Hatipoglu & Robert Lippok, Viola Yip

Baal&Mortimer, Ensemble Quillo, Elke Horner, Post Neo, Thomas Fehlmann, Modularturm Klangkarussell

AnniKa von Trier, Thies Mynther & Veit Sprenger

Antonia Baum, Slata Roschal
Hörstationen in Pinnow und Fergitz

Prof. Michael Succow und Michael Kellner (MdB)
Paludikultur im Moor – Nasse Füße für die Zukunft
Moderation: Barbara Scherle

Kuratiert von Ece Pazarbaşı (KUNST+ MUSIK), Gudrun Gut (MUSIK + LITERATUR) und Ute Koenig (LITERATUR)
Moderation der Lesungen: Patricia Klobusiczky + Hannah del Mestre

On AiR – Arbeiten aus der Idar-Obersteiner Artist in Residence-Kollektion

On AiR – Arbeiten aus der Idar-Obersteiner Artist in Residence-Kollektion

am Donnerstag 6. Juli 2023, 18:30 Uhr

in der Villa Bengel und via Livestream auf dem Instagram Kanal von Jakob Bengel, mit einem Grußwort von Peter Wenzel und einer Einführung von Prof. Eva-Maria Kollischan.

In Kooperation mit der Hochschule Trier lädt die Jakob Bengel-­Stiftung Idar-Oberstein seit Mai 2006 Schmuckkünstler*innen ein, als „­Artist in Residence“ in der historischen Schmuck- und Uhrenkettenfabrik Jakob Bengel und der Hochschule zu arbeiten. In den Arbeiten, die während ihres Aufenthalts entstehen, spiegeln sie die Atmosphäre der denkmalgeschützten Schmuckmanufaktur und die allgegenwärtige Glitzerwelt der Edelsteine in Idar-Oberstein wider.

Abb.: Jivan Astfalck „The Sphinx of Idar“
Foto: © Cornelia Wruck

“About Place” at University of La Verne | Harris Gallery

“About Place”  at University of La Verne | Harris Gallery

University of La Verne, 1950 Third Street, La Verne, CA 91750
Mo-Thu, 11-16 Uhr, Admission free
Exhibition: 15.  March – 12. May 2022
Curator: Ichiro Irie
Finissage & Guided tour with artists: on Sunday, April 24, at 6pm.
Artists: Heini Aho, Tanya Aguñiga, Sandra Calvo, TJ Dedeaux-Norris, Renée Lotenero, Sandra Mann, Kyoco Taniyama

I am showing a site-specific installation, “Sound from the Golden Age,” that I made in 2020-2021 during corona lockdown as a prelude to the “About Place.” Supported by: Nomura Foundation, University of La Verne, Pasadena Art Alliance.



48 Stunden Neukölln at Endorphina

48 Stunden Neukölln at Endorphina


I cordially invite you to the upcoming exhibition at 48 Stunden Neukölln 2022 at Endorphina .
Endorphina Bäckerei und Hofcafé,  Elsenstraße 52, 12059 Berlin
On Friday 24th to Sunday 26th of June  19:00-22:00.