街のはなし Town Stories – Selected stories

写真:谷山恭子 (カラーネガフィルム)    

Photography: Kyoco Taniyama (Color negative filme)

それぞれの写真からお読みいただけます。You can read stories from each photos (only Japanese).



2014年から、美しが丘中学校1,2年生の夏休みの宿題「わがまち新聞」「未来のわがまち新聞」と絡めて、アーティスト谷山恭子が立ち上げた冊子形式のアートプロジェクト。2011年から始めたLat/Long project がベースとなっています。




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Town stories

Since 2014, 10 years project

I started with the question “what place in town do you like” and chose the subject find the latitude and longitude of “the place you like” to report about this place where personal memories collect. The subjects of the report were kindergarten kids to 80 year old seniors representing all generations residing in Utsushigaoka town in Yokohama Aoba Ward. The history of the town became clear by knowing the personal history of the people living there. This is an ongoing yearly project and I publish a booklet “Town stories” once in a year. I attempt to make “Town History” of Utsukushigaoka town through this project with inhabitants. I chose the concept “Telling the town’s history”, got in touch with Utsushigaoka Junior high school 1st and 2nd grade, organized the lesson “AOBA+ART Seminar” during the summer vacation social studies class and conducted the interview along with the students.


Residential Area Utuskushigaoka Aoba-Ward Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan