Hearing each other 2024
Group exhibition
Unbändiger Glanz / Die Wahrnehmung von Körpern durch das Spektrum der Natur
Körnerpark Galerie, Berlin, Germany
8. June to 9. October 2024
This artwork was inspired by the concept of quantum entanglement (“spooky distance”). Quantum entanglement refers to a phenomenon where particles form a strong connection with each other. Once a quantum entanglement relationship is established between two particles, they remain interconnected regardless of the distance between them. When the state of one particle changes, the other particle instantly responds and changes as well.
The branches used in the sculpture were collected from the nature reserve Wrietzenseem in Berlin-Brandenburg. By moving these branches from Wrietzensee to Berlin, the work connects the forest (Ecosystem A) with the city (Urban Ecosystem B). This “tree,” composed of different species of trees, was created as a symbol of diversity, a symbiotic society, and its interconnectedness. Perhaps the branches long for the forest of Wrietzensee, and the forest misses the branches that have disappeared from it.
The moving image Epidermis – Water, projected through the wooden sculpture, depicts the process of bleaching an analogue photograph of tree bark in water. By using water, the most essential element for life on Earth, the work symbolizes the cycle of life and its indispensability. Additionally, the image expresses the Buddhist philosophy of Shogyomujou (impermanence), which teaches that all things are in a constant state of flow, change, and disappearanc
Unbändiger Glanz / Die Wahrnehmung von Körpern durch das Spektrum der Natur
Körnerpark Galerie, Berlin, Germany
8. June to 9. October 2024
「量子もつれ(spooky distance)」にインスピレーションを得て制作した作品。量子もつれとは、粒子同士が強い結びつきを形成する現象を指します。一度、二つの粒子の間に量子もつれの関係が形成されると、たとえそれらがどれほど離れていても、互いに何らかの形でつながり続けます。一方の粒子の状態が変化すると、もう一方の粒子も即座に応答して変化します。
樹木の彫刻を通して投影される映像作品「Epidermis – Water」は、樹皮のアナログ写真を水の中で漂白する過程を映し出したものです。地球上の生命体にとって最も不可欠な存在である水を使うことで、生命の循環とその不可欠性を象徴しています。また、この映像は、すべてのものが常に流動し、変化し、消えていくという仏教哲学「諸行無常」を表現しています。