2015 Group show “Beyond The Clouds”
ECHIGO-TSUMARI Satoyama Contemporary Museum, Niigata, Japan
I created NESSAI as an installation piece inspired by literature from the Edo period until now from Niigata, which is one of the places with the most snowfall in the world. The group show exhibition was held during the winter season, so the concept of the exhibition was snow. I felt human energy and passion from the literature of Niigata. I wanted to express the contrast of the human beings’ energy with snowy views which are dark, heavy and monotone. The colorful forest expresses the power of life, love for their hometown and longing for spring. I selected 9 novels and put fragrances on them. I divided the area into 4 parts according to the novels’ concepts – love stories, life, Zen and spring – and created 4 fragrances, one for each area. The title NESSAI comes from a best selling novel from the Edo period, and it means the heat of a human being’s inner organs.
Collaborator – Incense: Asato Koizumi “Nessai” “Snow” “Nature” “spring”, 4 kinds of incenses.
Book: Bokushi Suzuki “Hokuetsuseppu”, Yasunari Kawabata “The Snow Country”, Masaaki Tachihara “Tsumigi no sato”, Fumiya Hirata Editing “Horiguchi Daigaku shishu (a collection of poetry by Daigaku Horiguchi), Shuson Katou Editing “Japanese great Essays 51 snows”, Gyofu Soma “Gyofu Soma’s writing vol.3”, Gyofu Soma “Gyofu Soma’s writing vol.7”,Yoshitaka Iriya “Introduction to Zen -12 a collection of poetry by Ryoukan”, Eiichi Tanaka Editing “The Collection of Classical Literature in Niigata prefecture The Second stage vol.6 poetry/Haiku Poetry”, Eiichi Tanaka Editing “The Collection of Classical Literature in Niigata prefecture The first stage vol.4 Contemporary Editing I”
Period: January ~ 29 March, 2015
Material: stained bandage, copper wire, paper, novels and 4 kind of original perfume
Size: installation in the room of 8M×54M
Dyeing support:Spoken words project
Photo: Kyoco Taniyama
2015 グループ展 “雲の向こうに”
越後妻有里山現代美術館[キナーレ]、 新潟
「天に温際・冷際・熱際の三際があるのは、人間でいえば、肌は温かく、肉は冷たく、内臓は熱いのと同じ理由である。気中の万物の生育はすべて天地の仕組みにしたがっているのである。」(引用:北越雪譜 鈴木牧之)
コラボレーター・香り:小泉亜里「熱際」「雪」「自然」「春」 4種の香り
本:鈴木牧之「北越雪譜」、川端康成「雪国」、立原正秋「紬の里」、平田文也 編「堀口大学詩集」、加藤楸邨 編「日本の名随筆51雪」、相馬御風「相馬御風著作集 第三巻」、入矢義高「禅入門ー12 良寛 詩集」、田中榮一 編「新潟県文学全集 第II期 第六巻 詩・俳句編」、田中榮一 編「新潟県文学全集 第I期 第四巻 現代編I」、相馬御風「相馬御風著作集 第七巻」 (展示順)
素材:本、染色した包帯、紙、銅線、4種類の香、鉄 その他
サイズ: 54M×8Mの空間にインスタレーション
染色協力:Spoken words project