Why is the landscape interesting 2016

Why Do You Find That Landscape Interesting?

2016 Open Studio Program 68
Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan


2016 府中市美術館 (公開制作室) 東京
公開制作 68

Prior to the open studio, I explored the area around the museum to photograph scenes that I naturally responded to, while meeting local residents. I made drawings based on these pictures to examine what intrigued me about the scenes. Then I isolated some parts of buildings and scenes that I liked and recreated them as sculptures in the space. The working process was open to the public, in which scenery, possibly familiar to them, was transformed into artworks.
Period:16 July ~ 30 October, 2016
Material: Wood, Paint, Glass plates, Canvas, Aluminum wire, Wave plates, Blocks, Vinyl chloride pipe, Acrylic plate, others
Open Studio:16,17,21,23,27,28 August, 3,4,10,11 September, 2016
Exhibition:1 ~ 30 October, 2016
Artist Talk:30 October, 2016
Venue:Fuchu Art Museum Open Studio Program Room
Photo: Mineo Sakata




素材:木、塗料、硝子、キャンバス、ワイヤー、トタン波板、ブロック、塩ビパイプ、アクリル板 他


Kyoco Taniyama Art Works
Kyoco Taniyama Art Works
Kyoco Taniyama Art Works
Kyoco Taniyama Art Works
Kyoco Taniyama Art Works
Kyoco Taniyama Art Works