Group exhibition
UM Festival 2023 · C O N N E C T
Fergitz · Pinnow | Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany
9. und 10. September 2023
“Hearing each other” was inspired by the concept of Ece Pazarbaşı, the curator of the art/music section at UM Festival 2023 CONNECT, ‘quantum entanglement’—a spooky distance. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which particles form strong bonds with each other. Once a quantum entanglement relationship is formed between two particles, no matter how far apart they are, they somehow become interconnected. When the state of one particle changes, the other particle changes instantly in response.
The sculptures were installed in two locations in different towns (Fergitz and Pinnow) in Uckermark, Berlin-Brandenburg. Near one of the locations, Fergitz, there is a nature reserve called Wrietzensee. I decided to use the beautiful nature of Wrietzensee as a material to connect and correspond with each place.
The branches used in the sculpture in both locations come from the Wrietzensee Biosphere; I name it Sphere A. The two locations are considered as Socialsphere; I name it Sphere B. The movement of branches from Sphere A to B connects the forest to the city. Perhaps the branches miss the forest of Wrietzensee (Sphere A), and the forest misses the branches that have disappeared from there. In the first place, Spheres A and B are both part of the biosphere known as Earth; I name it Sphere C. Sphere A, B and C is always connecting, reacting in unknown level, entangling and changing always. I will see the quantum entanglement in this connection.
The large sculpture in the glasshouse is a combination of five different types of branches, with a total size of 6.4 meters. The tree, which is made of different species of trees, can be seen as a symbol of diversity, our symbiotic society and its entanglements. In the shed, a small sculpture combines three different types of trees with a moving image projected onto it. The projected moving image displays the process of bleaching an analogue photograph of a tree’s epidermis in water. Water, symbolizing the source of life, represents Sphere C, which is Earth. It also expresses the Buddhist philosophy “shogyomujou,” which means all things are in a constant state of flux, change, and disappearance.
Material: wood, moving image (duration 00:08:04)
Annika Hippler, Brad Nath, Collective Mö, Andreas Greiner, Kyoco Taniyama
Zeynep Ayse Hatipoglu & Robert Lippok, Viola Yip
Baal&Mortimer, Ensemble Quillo, Elke Horner, Post Neo, Thomas Fehlmann, Modularturm Klangkarussell
AnniKa von Trier, Thies Mynther & Veit Sprenger
Antonia Baum, Slata Roschal
Hörstationen in Pinnow und Fergitz
Prof. Michael Succow und Michael Kellner (MdB)
Paludikultur im Moor – Nasse Füße für die Zukunft
Moderation: Barbara Scherle
Kuratiert von Ece Pazarbaşı (KUNST+ MUSIK), Gudrun Gut (MUSIK + LITERATUR) und Ute Koenig (LITERATUR)
Moderation der Lesungen: Patricia Klobusiczky + Hannah del Mestre
UM Festival 2023 · C O N N E C T
Fergitz · Pinnow | Uckermark
9. und 10. September 2023
この作品は、UM Festival 2023 CONNECTで、アート部門のキュレーターのEce Pazarbaşı,のコンセプト、「量子もつれ」spooky distanceからインスピレーションを得て作られました。量子もつれは、粒子同士に強い結びつきができる現象です。いったん二つの粒子に量子もつれの関係ができると、どんなに遠く引き離されても、なぜか互いのことが分かるという現象で、 片方の粒子の状態が変化すると、それに応じてもう一方の粒子も瞬時に変化するといいます。
Annika Hippler, Brad Nath, Collective Mö, Andreas Greiner, Kyoco Taniyama
Zeynep Ayse Hatipoglu & Robert Lippok, Viola Yip
Baal&Mortimer, Ensemble Quillo, Elke Horner, Post Neo, Thomas Fehlmann, Modularturm Klangkarussell
AnniKa von Trier, Thies Mynther & Veit Sprenger
Antonia Baum, Slata Roschal
Hörstationen in Pinnow und Fergitz
Prof. Michael Succow und Michael Kellner (MdB)
Paludikultur im Moor – Nasse Füße für die Zukunft
Moderation: Barbara Scherle
Kuratiert von Ece Pazarbaşı (KUNST+ MUSIK), Gudrun Gut (MUSIK + LITERATUR) und Ute Koenig (LITERATUR)
Moderation der Lesungen: Patricia Klobusiczky + Hannah del Mestre