stone will flow,
leaves will sink
2019 Solo Exhibition
Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Fellow of Overseas Study Programme for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan 2018-2019
During my one-year residency in Künstlerhaus Bethanien, my interest lay in how politics and societies deal with negative aspects and events; both in the present day and during history, as well as the tendency for not accounting for the past, but rather wanting to conceal it. During the spring, summer, and autumn, I walked along the entire route of the former No Man’s Land of the ex-Soviet sector in the East, where the Berlin Wall was once located in the center of Berlin, and I photographed fallow land, old facilities, as well as recent remains such as garbage. In the exhibition, I accordingly presented a B&W photo series “Missing Memories”, which is equipped with artistic commentary in the form of cutouts.
I formed discarded objects that I collect – cans, rusty metal, empty bottles – to abstract sculptures “Concealment”, which I poured plaster on, and carved harmoniously shaped artistic metaphors of concealment.
I presented the work of my installation as an experimental tour by combining video projection and sculptures, giving the viewer the opportunity to constantly gain a new perspective on things.
In certain moments during the exhibition I offered visitors the opportunity to smell the scent of an incense obtained from the precious resin of agarwood “Jin-koh”, which sinks in the water – a property alluded to by the title of the exhibition, “stone will flow, leaves will sink”.
Material: refer links > Concealment (sculpture), Disremembering (HD-video), Missing Memories (photography)
Installation size: approx. 170 sqm
Period: 18th January – 10th February, 2019
Venue: Künstlerhaus Bethanien
Support: Fellow of Overseas Study Programme for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan 2018-2019
2019 クンストラーハウス・ベタニエン
クンストラーハウス・ベタニエンでの1年間のレジデンスでは、政治や社会が、現在や歴史の中の否定的な側面や出来事にどのように対処しているのか、また、人間が負の歴史にあまり触れようとせずむしろ隠蔽する傾向にあることに関心を寄せました。春、夏、秋と季節を変え、ベルリンの中心部を貫く旧ベルリンの壁の全ルートを歩き、旧ベルリンの壁にまつわるモニュメント、サイン、空き地や古い施設、そして道端のゴミなどを観察し写真に修めました。展覧会では、そのリサーチの過程で制作した、”Missing Memories”というモノクロ写真シリーズ、そこから派生して制作した、
”Stone will flow, leaves will sink”は、「石は流れ、木の葉は沈む」という、社会のチグハグな矛盾を表現した日本のことわざを英語に直訳したものです。
彫刻 “Concealment”
写真 “Missing Memories”
HD-ビデオ “Disremembering”
協力:文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度 平成29年度