The Forest of Brown-Hawk-Owl 2017

The Forest of Brown-Hawk-Owl

2017 Smile-Home 360 Hyuga city Miyazaki, Japan
Public Art × Workshop event + Open Studio Program

Organizer: Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Art


A public art open studio project to create a regional landmark in the Fukuse area which is located in the middle of the mountains of the Hyuga-shi, Miyazaki prefecture and whose local guardian god is the brown hawk-owl.
The building was once an elementary school, which closed its doors on its 136 years of history in 2011, but gained new life in 2015 as Smile Home 360, a life/work support and day care facility for the mentally challenged.
A workshop was held to draw the owl and nature of Fukuse with the local elementary school children, elderly people, users of the Smile Home 360 and its staff members. Based on the drawing of my choice, I designed a large mural sculpture inspired by playground equipment, which was then produced at the local metal factory. There is also a device to hang plants, which enables the users to grow vine plants and vegetables from spring to summer. In autumn, the harvest festival can be organized with the gathered vegetables so that the Smile Home 360 can grow as a center of local cultural exchange. Wishing the work to grow together with the Smile Home 360, I plan to continue communicating with the community through the letter exchanges named Brown hawk-owl Correspondence.


Works: Painting workshop event, Land mark design, Making Flag workshop Material: Steel, Paint


Official name:NPO Hyuga city Tewotsunagu-Ikuseikai Smile-Home 360 Address:1812 Yamageotsu Tougoucho Hyuga city Miyazaki, Japan Space: Wall of the building
Organizer: Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Art
Public Art – Open Studio Program : 17, 19 ~23 November, 2017 Production management: Kimura Construction company Co.,Ltd. Production/Construction:Beppukanamono Co.Ltd. , Tsukihara painting Organized by: Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Art
Co-Organized by: Hyuga City, Hyuga City Board of education


2017 スマイルホーム 360 宮崎

■正式名称: 特定非営利活動法人日向市手をつなぐ育成会 スマイルホーム 360 (旧福瀬小学校)
■企画:   平成29年度 宮崎県立美術館 「ワクワクアート アーティストがやって来た!」事業


絵を描くワークショップ 9月15日(金) 
旗を作るワークショップ 11月17日(金)・19日(日)〜22日(水)
講演会 11月18日(土)
アートトーク 11月23日(木・祝)

■住所:   宮崎県日向市東郷町山陰乙1812
■内容:   公開制作、壁面アート、旗をつくるワークショップ
■制作管理: (株)木村工務店
■主催: 宮崎県立美術館
■共催: 日向市、日向市教育委員会
■協力: 特定非営利活動法人日向市手をつなぐ育成会 スマイルホーム 360、日向市東郷町福瀬地区のみなさん、(株)木村工務店(有)別府金物店
