I’m here 2012

I’m here ここにいるよ

2012  Takamatsu city community pool, Kagawa, Japan

Public Art / Permanent Collection ART SETOUCHI


The blue and white lines that delineate the separate features within the space are a visual reflection on the way the ocean’s horizon looks in reality as it appears beyond the swimming pool. On the bottom of the circulating pool, the silhouettes of the fish from Seto Inland Sea look as if they are swimming with the current. On the bridge crossing the pool, the ridges of Megijima and Oshima are colourfully portrayed and in the centre of the pool, white objects depicting clouds slowly sway in the sea breeze. The coordinates of latitude and longitude are marked on five spots on the floor. The work allows the audience an exceptional opportunity to enjoy the sea and the sky in the region where fine weather continues in summer with no rain.
I was commissioned to renovate the public swimming pool, which had been closed due to deterioration and to turn it into an artwork, in the framework of the scheme‘Art development in the public facilities’of Art Setouchi 2013.


Material: Paint, Slip-proof Synthetic Resin Sheet, PVC pipe, Cutting sheet, Steel, FRP others


Official name:Takamatsu city community pool Address:10-53 Hamano-cho Takamatsu city Kagawa, Japan Space: Full Space Renovation
Art produce : Art Front Gallery
Mechanical design:MONO-KOBO. CO.LTD Construction:Hitahara Architecture workshop ( A.P.U Co.,Ltd.)

I’m here. ここにいるよ.


2013 ART SETOUCHI,高松市民プール, 香川
瀬戸内国際芸術祭 パーマネントコレクション




素材:塗料、防滑シート、塩ビパイプ、カッティングシート、鉄、FRP 他


■正式名称: 高松市立市民プール
■住所:   高松市浜ノ町53番10号
■公開期間:毎年7月~9月 プール営業時間9:00-18:00 鑑賞のみ18:00-20:00
■所有・管理者: 公益財団法人高松市スポーツ振興事業団
■アート計画プロデュース: アートフロントギャラリー
■設計: 有限会社 モノ工房
■施行: 北原建築工房 (現 (株)A.P.U)